Yun Chang
Email: yunchang [at] mit [dot] edu
CV / Google Scholar / GitHub
Hello there, welcome to my page. I am currently a PhD candidate at MIT LIDS and MIT AeroAstro, advised by Prof. Luca Carlone. Scroll down for more!
Email: yunchang [at] mit [dot] edu
CV / Google Scholar / GitHub
Hello there, welcome to my page. I am currently a PhD candidate at MIT LIDS and MIT AeroAstro, advised by Prof. Luca Carlone. Scroll down for more!
My research is to help robots see.
I am a PhD candidate at MIT LIDS. I am currently working as a research assistant at SPARK Lab, advised by Professor Luca Carlone. My research is in the area robot perception, and I am interested in improving localization and scene understanding capabilities for robots in the real world in terms of scalability to multiple platforms and large scenes and robustness to measurement error and challenging scene conditions.
I have published papers on multi-robot simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), semantic scene understanding, and robotics systems. I have also contributed to various LiDAR and vision-based SLAM pipelines. Please checkout my publications to learn more!